For several years, my dad, Bill Pomeroy, worked as a watch and clock repairman in downtown Traverse City, Michigan. We three goofy little kids had a daily ritual where we would stand at the window to wave as he headed off to work. It was a rare occasion when we would stop by the store to see him... going in the back door to the repair area at F.A. Earls. Weekends were special... all of us would sometimes be at the kitchen table playing with Play Dough or coloring. And he built us the neatest raised fort out of the wood reels that telephone cables used to come on. He was so good at fixing things and finding ways to make things work. A time came when he wanted to start a business of his own. He and my mom, Jenny, opened their one and only jewelry shop in the late 60's. It was tucked away from the main flow of traffic in a quiet neighborhood setting. The store was actually in the dining room and had one showcase... customers would stop by for repairs or to purchase. Word of mouth is how many customers found them. My dad had his repair shop in the basement and when he could find time, he studied to become a bench jeweler. Because of his skill as a licensed watchmaker and clock repairman and his attention to detail, the business grew. In 1973, they added on the store and expanded their inventory. Over the years customers would return for their fair pricing and quality repairs of watches, clocks and jewelry. A couple of times my mom and dad discussed moving the business to a commercial location but never could find just the right place. In 1992, the time came to decide who would take over the family business. My sister and brother had both moved on and had families and jobs in other towns. So my dad asked my husband and I if we would continue the business that he and my mom worked so hard to build. While we made some changes over the years, we never strayed from the foundation of this business... quality and service at a fair price. By 1999, we were ready to open our first online store- Pomeroys.com. I took what I had learned over the years from my dad and applied it to this new way of reaching both our local customers and new customers across the United States. 2001 brought about the beginning of our second online store MomsJewelryBox.com... with the suggestion from my niece, we took a fun memory of when ma used to let my sister and I go through her jewelry box. After more than 7 years online, we now have thousands of loyal customers across the country who return for the same reason customers originally shopped with my dad- quality jewelry at a fair price. We hope many of the items our customers purchase here will be family heirlooms that will be handed down for generations to come. We thank you for taking time to learn about Pomeroy Jewelers and MomsJewelryBox.com. We hope to be of service to you in the very near future.
Sincerely ~ Our
Physical Store:
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Pricing: We make every effort to provide beautiful jewelry and gifts at a competitive price. If the precious metal market should change or if mfrs. increase their prices to us, our online prices may be effected. We reserve the right to change pricing. If this should ever occur, you would be contacted for authorization to proceed with your order at the new price.
Pomeroy Jewelers - 3946
Park Lane - Traverse City, Michigan 49686 - Telephone: (231) 938-2582 Specialty Mothers Rings and Jewelry
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